If you are interested in visiting our school, please do not hesitate to do so. We would be more than happy to show you around our school, so that you can get a feel for life and learning at Melling!
Applications for Reception admission need to be made to Lancashire County Council on 01524 581148 or - school admissions. If you are a resident in North Yorkshire, then your application must be made through the North Yorkshire Council at
In year applications or an application to Year 1-6 can be made directly to the school please see the links to in year admissions below.
Admission Policy
The number of places available for admission to the Reception class will be a maximum of six.
The governing body will not place any restrictions on admissions to the reception class unless the number of children for whom admission is sought exceeds their admission number. By law, no infant class may contain more than thirty children. The Governing Body operates a system of equal preferences under which they consider all preferences equally and the Local Authority notifies parents of the result.
School Transport
Your child may be entitled to school transport. Once a school place has been offered, parents are requested to contact the Pupil Access Team to discuss this.
Pupil Access Team, Area Education Office, PO Box 606, White Cross Education Centre, Quarry Road, Lancaster, LA1 3SQ 01524 58112 / 581134
Please click here to access the school transport website