Geography sparks our curiosity about the world we live in. We enjoy using a range of maps, atlas's, globes and digital maps to locate, continents, countries, oceans and seas as well as capital cities. The children enjoy using photographs and video clips to learn about the land use of different countries and compare this to the area that they live in. Along with the physical Geography of the world we learn about the human geography and our environment.
Our children enjoy being out and about completing fieldwork. They can use the 8 compass points, they learn about the four-figure and six-figure grid references along with drawing and using maps with symbols and keys.
Our Curriculum covers topics such as:
- Our Local Area,
- A Wonderful World,
- Beside the Seaside,
- Exploring Eastern Europe,
- Extreme Earth,
- Settlements,
- Ancient Greece,
- Amazing Americas,
- Rivers,
- Rainforests,
- The United Kingdom.