Our School Day
Our school day starts with morning registration at 8.45am. Our school day finishes at 3.15pm. Please see our daily timetable below.
8.00am: Breakfast Club
8.35am: Supervision provided in school
8.45am: Morning registration and worship
9am: Maths
10am: Morning break
10.15am: English
11.15am: Foundation subjects/interventions/etc.
12noon: Lunchtime (12.10pm for Key Stage 2 pupils)
1pm: Afternoon registration
1pm: Foundation or Core learning (Humanties, PE, Music, Science, Art and Design)
2pm: Afternoon break (Infants only)
3.15pm: End of the school day
3.15-4.15pm: After school clubs (information is provided with the newsletter each half term)
Throughout the year we offer a variety of after school clubs. These clubs include football, science, dance, cricket, rounders, choir, band, netball, cookery, wildlife and gardening. Clubs run in different terms throughout the year.