
Science inspires children, encouraging them to be inquisitive about the world, nurtures their innate curiosity and enables them to develop a range of skills that are useful across their learning. 

The science curriculum in Key Stage 1 is organised in a 2 year rolling programme, ensuring all children have the opportunity to cover the National Curriculum objectives for their year group during their time in Key Stage 1. In addition to this, children will develop skills appropriate for their age in Research, Fair Test & Comparative Test, Pattern Seeking, Grouping/ Identifying and Classifying and Observation Overtime. EYFS and Key Stage 1 also participate regularly in outdoor learning, through which they can contextualise the National Curriculum, making learning memorable and inspirational.

Key Stage 2 have the same focus skills. They also have a 2 year rolling programme for Upper and Lower Key Stage 2. Units may be covered in a different order in each cycle, in order to make links with other curriculum areas, but are closely monitored to ensure full coverage of the objectives.

Follow the link for more detail about the Science National Curriculum

Contact the School

Melling St Wilfrid CE Primary School

Lodge Lane

Main Contact: Mrs. Rebecca Mason

Tel: 015242 21538