
Our pupils are encouraged and supported to become confident, enthusiastic, critical and independent readers. They are given opportunities to experience print produced in a variety of forms and for a variety of purposes and to read for information, interest and enjoyment. 


All children will have an Individual Reading Book from the schools banded reading resources. We do not follow one specific scheme, but have a range of texts and schemes from which children and parents can choose from.

We have a wealth of resources and books to support pupils in continuing their reading journey in Key Stage 2. Where appropriate, pupils have access to age appropriate banded books to support their next steps. Children who are free readers may also bring a book of their own choice from home with the agreement of their teacher.

At Key Stage 2 (and KS1 where appropriate)  Accelerated reader is used. Children take on online reading test and can then select their books to read individually from a wide band. When the book is finished they take an online quiz which assesses their understanding of the text. Children collect points for reading and earn rewards. 

Parents are asked to listen to their child read and ask questions about the book to check comprehension, making comments in the reading record book.

Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception)

Children are heard read by an adult in school on a regular basis. This can take the form of key words, sounds or individual reading books. Each of these is recorded in the child’s Reading Record Book which is used as a liaison between parents and teachers. Children may be heard read by other adults such as parent helpers. Parents are asked to listen to their child read and ask questions about the book to check comprehension, making comments in the reading record book.


We follow the DFE Letters and Sounds document for the teaching of synthetic phonics and use a variety of other resources including Read, Write inc. From Reception, all children are taught phonics through Letters and Sounds. This takes place through dedicated phonics sessions each morning. This group teaching continues until pupils are in Year 2 and if appropriate Year 3.


Contact the School

Melling St Wilfrid CE Primary School

Lodge Lane

Main Contact: Mrs. Rebecca Mason

Tel: 015242 21538